Game Description: A Quest to Fetch is a branching narrative game where your only quest, is to avoid barrage of quests. Wake up in to a world where people are turning their errands into fetch quests that wastes your time instead of focusing on the main quest: stopping a evil being. You only have two choices: commit to the side quests, or stay on the path of the main quest.


* Branching narrative game that takes jabs at unnecessary fetch quests in video games.

* Sprites and textures that are reminiscent of 8-bit handheld games.

* Areas with their own color palettes and level themes.

* Characters with their own personalities and needs

* Dialogue that does not take itself too seriously.

* Endings that will give you a chance to decide if you like fetch quests or not.

Published 11 days ago
StatusIn development
Made withbitsy

Development log

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